1. The ice dispenser must be sealed to the counter The template drawing (Figure 10 and 11) indicate open-
ings which must be cut in the counter. Locate the desired position for the dispenser, then mark the outline
dimensions on the counter using the template drawings. Cut openings in counter.
Apply a continuous bead of
NSF International
(NSF) listed silastic sealant (Dow 732 or equal) approximate-
ly 1/4” inside of the unit outline dimensions and around all openings. Then position the unit on the counter
within the outline dimensions. All excess sealant must be wiped away immediately. “A” models must be
fastened in place with mounting hardware provided.
2. Carefully pull the beverage tubes, drain line and power cord through the large opeinings in the bottom of
the unit. See (Figure 10 and 11), MOUNTING TEMPLATES, for locating the required clearance holes in the
counter for these utility lines.
“A” and “K” Models Only:
Install the ice maker according to the instructions supplied with the kit, and
manufacturer’s instructions supplied with the ice maker.
4. Connect the drain tube to an open drain. If additional piping is required, it must be 3/4” IPS (or equal). This
line must continually pitch downward away from the unit and must contain no traps, or improper drainage
will result.
5. Connect the beverage system product lines as indicated in Figure 7 (“B” Models), Figure 8 (“BC” Models)
and Figure 9 (“BC” Models with 19 x 28 cold plate and front inlet fittings.) This work should be done by a
qualified service person. Note that the hoses are marked with numbers (1 through 8) for syrup connections
and “CW” for carbonated water connection.
6. Clean the ice dispenser interior (see CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS).
7. Connect the dispenser cord to a 115 volt, 60 cycle, 3-wire grounded receptacle. “A” models must be per-
manently wired and conform to NEC and local codes.