TigoStarter K6
User Manual
Copyright © 2020 CoreTigo Ltd.
4. Pair:
This option allows you to pair a Device or Bridge found using the scan option into a Free W-Port. (for more
info on the pairing process refer to the
IO-Link Wireless Master API Guide
A dialog will appear asking whether the wanted port is a device or a bridge to accommodate the port configuration
To make this change permanent use the
Store to Flash
option of this menu.
5. Unpair:
This option will unpair an existing wireless port, the master will erase any information on the device and
the W-Port will become free, If the device was in an active communication with the W-Master an Unpair message
will be sent to him as well and he will become an available device, detectable by Scan. To make this change
permanent use the
Store to Flash
option of this menu.
(for more info on the unpairing process refer to the
IO-Link Wireless Master API Guide
6. Store to Flash:
this option allows you to store the current W-Port configuration to flash memory, upon
reset/reboot the master will load the last stored configuration and attempt to connect with the configured devices.
7. Disable Port:
this option allows you to remove a wireless port that no longer exist/activated. The master will
erase any information about the device and the W-Port will become free
To make this change permanent use the
Store to Flash
option of this menu.
8. Black List:
Entering the hopping table menu:
Choosing "Get Current Blacklist" will show all enabled frequencies in the 2.4GHz band from 2.401GHz to
2.480GHz (1 to 80):
The frequencies reserved for configuration channels are marked in
The enabled frequencies are marked in Green
The disabled frequencies are marked in White
Choosing "Modify Blacklist" allows you to change the enabled frequencies for this IO-Link Wireless system. Enter
a list of numbers to add/remove a frequency from the black list, enter 99 when finished
It is vital to unpair all W-
Devices before modifying the blacklist. after setting a new blacklist, W-Devices can be paired back using the new
hopping table
9. PER:
Shows a number between 1 to 100 which is the LQI (Link Quality Indicator) for a specific selected W-Port. The LQI
is the quality of the received packets. LQI of 70 represents PER of 10−9.