VCX-2401-E Installation and Operating Instructions
Page 24
Certain VCX-2401 devices can be delivered with either one or two com ports. The ports are designated
as 1 and 2. The commands for configuring the settings use the A or B designation to indicate the port
being configured.
for com port 1 (selects com port 1)
for com port 2 (selects com port 2)
: Communications port 2 is also the control port for programming. If this port is also needed for
non-programming related data purposes, the user should program the necessary parameters with the
jumper in place if using the Hyper Terminal method. Upon completion of programming, removal of the
jumper will result in port 2 operating as programmed. If not using Hyper Terminal to program, jumper
should be removed if com port 2 is to be used.
COM1, COM2 (0|1)
This command sets the active state of the com port. The parameter is “0” or “1”, where “1”
enables and “0” disables the com port function. At this time, the com port is always enabled and this
command has no effect.
Default: 0 (OFF)
Example Commands:
COM1 1
(enables com port 1)
COM1BAUD, COM2BAUD (Comm Port Baud Rate)
This command sets the baud rate for the comm port. Valid values are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
and 38400. Other data rates may be functional but are not tested.
Default: 9600
Example Command:
(sets baud rate for com port 1 at 4800 bps)
The parity for the com port can be set to Odd, Even, or None. The parameters for the
COM[1|2]PARITY command are N,O,E, which correspond respectively to None, Odd, Even.
Default: None
Example Command:
(sets com port 2 to no parity)
COM1IP, COM2IP (Com Port IP)
The IP address of the destination for the com port data is set by this command. A typical setup
would have an encoder and a decoder. The decoder would have a com port IP address that is the same as
the encoder. In addition, likewise, the encoder’s com port IP would be the same as the decoder. Notice
that the default com ports IP’s are the opposite of the default device IP’s.
Encoder com ports -
Decoder com ports-
Example Command: COM2IP
(points the com port data to an encoder,
decoder, or other device whose IP address is