VCX-2401-E Installation and Operating Instructions
Page 22
Common Commands
The following commands apply to both encoders and decoders.
This command saves the parameter changes in permanent memory. A commit command must be
issued before a reboot or power cycle if the new device settings are to be maintained.
This command causes a reboot of the device. The purpose of this command is to cause a reboot
from the password prompt. If you cannot login into the command, prompt because of the “Another
administrator is logged in.” message, then you can use DEATHBLOW as the password to return the unit
to the power up state.
Exits from the command prompt and releases the current login. You may also use the following
alternatives… LO (Log Off) and QUIT.
This command sets unit for NTSC video operation.
This command sets unit for PAL video operation.
This command restarts device from power-up state. Most changes in device settings require a
reboot after a commit.
This command starts encoding or playback (video out).
This command stops encoding or playback (video out).
This command displays the software version/build date, BSP (board support package)
version/build date, and board revision.
Example response:
Version: VCX2400d3 v1.6a, Date: 29JUN04
BSP VCXV73 v1.2, 04JUN04
Board revision: 3.1