D5.4: Multi-sensor system integrated into wearable fabrics
FP7 248434
Figure 2: Direct connection with secondary user
Structure of the document
This document is organized as follows. The first chapter provides a general overview of the
system and possible configurations. The second chapter is dedicated to the description of the
daily and nightly application and the garment that is used in each case. The third chapter is
devoted to the technical description of the body sensor network based on ANT technology.
The fourth chapter describes the data logger in terms of hardware specifications and
maintenance. The fifth chapter gives an overview of the monitoring infrastructures for both
the secondary user environment and with the Robot and the SHACU. Chapter six gives the
necessary information to install the application on PC for the secondary user as well as a
short description of how to use the viewer. Chapter 7 gives some indications on the data
logger and the compliance with electrical and safety standard for medical devices. Chapter 8
provides a “getting started” description for the user himself. Finally, chapter 9 is advice
guideline related to the care and maintenance of the hardware (garment and embedded