D5.4: Multi-sensor system integrated into wearable fabrics
FP7 248434
Night Garments
As for the day garments also night monitoring system has been completely redesigned to
include all recommendations made by the users and by the experts within the evaluation
trials. In particular, the idea to have a pyjama has been abandoned and replaced by a
nightgown that seems to be easier worn and more accepted by elderly in general.
A first sketch of the night garments has been designed and submitted to experts. The sketch is
shown in figure 6.
Figure 8 The Male/Female sketch of the nightgown
As a result the following list of bullets describes the improvements made with respect to
previous pyjamas prototypes:
Pyjamas are replaced by nightgown to increase comfort and usability.
Pockets are closed by Velcro® to prevent electronics to slide out while sleeping.
A colour code to clearly bind the type of electronics with the pocket and connector is
used to avoid confusion.
A label with visual instruction for the correct use is applied to the nightgown.
A label with info on size, materials and washing instructions is applied to the
Velcro fastening on wrist is not comfortable and is replaced by elastic rib
Temperature sensor is inserted into a soft pocket and it could be glued to avoid
discontinuity between metal and skin
The fastening on Nightgown is now similar to the one used in the shirts to let the user
to be able to fully open it.