Note: The battery electrolyte checks at least once a month.
● use batteries to be recharged in 30 minutes and cooled to
room temperature to ensure the proper use of batteries.
Battery electrolyte toxic and therefore dangerous, and so will
cause serious burns. The electrolyte contains sulfuric acid.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
● battery would have exploded gas. Should stay away from
sparks, flames, cigarettes, and so on, in or rechargeable battery
sealed in a space, ventilation should be maintained. Near the
battery should always work to protect your eyes.
● should be placed in child care could not get places.
The replacement fuse
1, fuse at the top of batteries.
2, if the fuse fuse, customs breakpoint fire Switches and
circuit switching problem. With the correct installation of the
new ampere fuse. Connect the switch and watch the work of
electrical installations. Fusing immediately if the fuse again,
please COOLSTER dealer or repair shop contact.
● Do not use the recommended ampere rating higher than
the fuse. Under the correct rating is the fuse will cause
large-scale damage to electrical system and will cause the fire.
Provides fuse: 10 amps
Fuse box