Cool Energy EcoStore Heat Pump Water Heater
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vaporized refrigerant fluid switches back to the liquid state as a consequence of thermal dissipation.
The liquid refrigerant, flowing through a choking component (expansion valve), undergoes a low
pressure expansion and, after returning to the evaporator, it can again draw heat from the surrounding
The hot water heat pump operates at ambient temperatures ranging between -20°C and +43°C.
The hot water heat pump is a connection-ready equipment whose function is heating drinkable
water; it basically consists of the water tank and of the refrigerant, air and water circuit components,
as well as of all the control, adjustment and monitoring devices required for automatic operation.
> Use of the environment energy
Refrigerators, washing machines, heating systems and other equipment/electric appliances generate
heat that in most cases is not reused. Instead of being dispersed into the environment, generating
pollution, the hot air in question can suitably be used to heat sanitary water: a sensible and
environment-friendly solution.
An important benefit is the air dehumidification resulting from heat suction, decreasing the degree of
humidity in cellars and laundries.
This has two beneficial effects: environment protection and production of cheap hot sanitary water.
2.2 Energy efficiency
> Free energy
The necessary energy for the heating of sanitary water comes for 2/3 from the air and 1/3 from the
electric power supply.
> Cooling through the heat pump for hot sanitary water
After heat subtraction, the lower-temperature output air can be used during summer to cool the
environment where the heat pump is installed.
This provides a double benefit, while ensuring optimum energy efficiency.
> multi use of energy
The heat pump can be beneficially installed in stores, workshops, commercial, residential
applications etc. to get hot sanitary water and, if needed, cooled air.
Hot water temperature
Setting water temperature target range: 38÷65°C.