Cool Energy EcoStore Heat Pump Water Heater
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P a g e
Switch off the device;
Disconnect the device from electric current
Clear out the device (see par. 4.12) until the water level is lower than the height of anode
Unscrew the screws and remove the plastic cover;
Disconnect the earth wire
Disconnect the protection cable from the anode;
Remove and replace the anode;
Disconnect the electronic control from power connections;
Remove and replace the electronic control;
Restore the connection between electronic control and power;
Restore the earth wire connection;
Restore the connection of the protection cable with the anode;
Replace and fix the plastic cover;
Fill the tank;
Verify that there is no water leakage from sleeve;
Restore the connection to the electric current;
Switch on the device.
5.10 Replace and/or control the electrical resistance
If the replace and/or control of the electric resistance of integration is needed, follow the procedure
here described.
Turn off the boiler;
Disconnect product from the electrical supply
Empty the boiler (see par. 4.12) until the water level seems to be lower than the place where
the electric resistance is joined;
Unscrew the and remove the plastic cap;
Disconnect the cable from the electric resistance;
Remove and replace the electric resistance;
Control that there are no water losses from the fitting;
Restore the electric connections;
Put and fix the plastic cap.
Fill the tank;