Issue 11/06 33
Manual Override
Select this menu to set and/or display the data related to manual start. Such function allows starting
the plant even outside the normal operating time and during holidays. It is disabled only in case
Manual Off is active.
Remote 65
It displays the status of the manual start external switch. Read-only.
Display 66
It allows overriding start-up from LCD.
Status 67
It displays the actual control status. Warning: in order to control the plant with manual override on, it
is sufficient that one of the two commands, external or display, is On.
Manual Shutdown
Select this menu to set and/or display the data related to manual stop. Manual stop allows
switching off the plant in any period. It has a priority on any other command.
Remote 68
It displays the status of the manual stop external switch. Read-only.
Display 69
It allows overriding stop from LCD.
Status 70
It displays the actual control status. Warning: in order to control the plant with manual override off, it
is sufficient that one of the two commands, external or display, is On.
Select this menu to set and/or display the four holiday periods.
Holidays 1…4 61-62-63-64
Each period has, as default value, start and end date equal to 01/01/01. In order to be enabled, the
start date must be after the date, in which programming occurred and must not coincide with the
end date.
Set clock
It allows displaying and/or editing date and time.
Set DST (Daylight Saving Time)
It allows displaying and/or editing the start and end dates of daylight saving time. In order to be
enabled, the start date must be after the date, in which programming occurred.