September 2011
Copyright © 2011 Adept Systems, Inc. and Control Network Solutions Ltd All Rights Reserved.
3. Optional Features
3.1. 852 to 852 Bridging Router Mode (Cost Option)
In order to better support large installations with dozens of IP to LON routers an eNodeIV
device can be configured into 852 to 852 bridging router mode. In this mode one eNodeIV
device is an IP bridge between two logical 852 channels and looks like a LON router to any LON
devices. When acting in bridging router mode, the router is a member of two logical 852
channels sharing one Ethernet interface. The router bridges traffic between the two 852 IP
channels. This overcomes limitations of some network managers on the number of 852 devices
per channel and provides for enhanced scalability by partitioning the 852 traffic seen by any
given router. Some network management tools with an 852 interface have an artificially low
limitation on the number of 852 devices that the tool can communicate with on its 852 channel.
For low bandwidth 852 channels, Bridging Router mode allows partitioning of the 852 devices
so that the low bandwidth devices can be on a different 852 channel from the high bandwidth
The architecture of the eNodeIV in bridging router mode is shown below.
Fig.3.1: 852 Bridging Router Architecture
3.2. Bridging Router Setup
When 852 to 852 bridging router mode is enabled the GG router has two IP side 852 interfaces.
One is labelled the Side A and the other the Side B. Both interfaces share the same IP host
address but each interface has a unique IP port and a unique configuration server (when in
Normal mode). Each side can be in either Normal or Manual mode independently. In addition,
Serial Transaction Mode can be independently enabled or disabled on each side. The
description below only includes those fields that are unique to Bridging Router mode. When
852 bridging router mode is enabled there could be up to two configuration servers, one for