Using the Memory Address Map
Items Common to Modules
- Module startup register
Setting the module startup option (01h) causes the device module to be started.
Setting the module startup option when the module is being started causes the
module to be restarted.
00h : No operation
01h : Module startup
- Error status
The error status bits, which are not reflected in the module settings area, always
remain [00h].
The error status on a module is stored in the module information area.
- Analog output resolution
The analog output resolution capacity of the DAI12-4(FIT)GY is fixed at 12 bits
- Analog output range
This field sets an analog output range.
Table 5.2. Setting an Analog Output Range
Channel settings
The DAI12-4(FIT)GY does not have channel-specific settings.
This field is provided for compatibility with other device modules.
Setting value of analog output range (h) Analog output range
-10V - +10V
-5V - +5V
0V - +10V
0V - +5V
0mA - +20mA