So that under resistance measurement, diode test and continuity
check a "MIN" measurement is possible at all, either the test pro-
bes must be held together ("short-circuited") or a resistance mea-
sured. Only then can the "REC" button be pressed, and only then
does the symbol "A-H" disappear from the display, or only then
does the symbol "MIN" appear in the display. When "MIN" is visi-
ble, normal measurements (under resistance measurement, conti-
nuity check and diode test) can be proceeded with. This procedu-
re is not required with other measurements.
Now connect the test probes to the circuit (points) to be mea-
sured. The present measured value appears both in the large
and small displays. Now remove the test probes from the test
points. The most recently measured value remains frozen
(held) in the large display. In the small display, "OL" appears
under resistance measurement, continuity check and diode
test. "0000" appears in the small display under the other mea-
surement functions. The measurement value now remains
frozen/held in the large display until a smaller value is esta-
blished during a further measurement. The large display
always displays the smallest occurring measured value.
G6) When the MAX function is to be used and the instrument is in
the "MIN" function mode, press the "REC" button once
again. The "MIN" symbol disappears and in its place the
"MAX" symbol appears to its left. When, however, the instru-
ment is at present in "Auto Hold" mode, press the "REC" but-
ton twice. When the "Auto Hold" mode is also deactivated,
the REC" button must be pressed three times.
G2) Set the rotary switch to the desired measurement function
(but not to one of those mentioned as not available).
G3) Switch off the "Auto Range" function while setting the desi-
red measurement range by hand (= manually) with the but-
G4) When the Auto Hold function is now to be used, press the
"REC" button. The symbol "A-H" appears in the so-called
headline of the display. "0000" appears in the small display
and in the main display, independently of the range setting.
With the measurement functions diode test, resistance mea-
surement and continuity check, "OL" for overload or overrun
appears in the small and large displays instead of "0000".
Connect the test probes to the circuit to be measured. The
present measurement value appears both in the small and
large displays. Now remove the test probes from the points of
measurement. In the large display the most recently measu-
red value remains frozen / held. In the small display, "OL"
appears under resistance measurement, continuity check and
diode test. Under the remaining measurement functions
"0000" appears in the small display.
When a new measurement is now made, the value displayed
in the large display remains held for another approx.
4 seconds, before it disappears or a new measurement value
is displayed.
G5) When the MIN function is to be used while the "Auto Hold"
function is presently in use, press the "REC" button once
again. The symbol "A-H" for Auto Hold disappears from the
headline as a result and in its place the symbol "MIN" appears
beneath. When however the "MAX" mode is presently in use,
or the "Auto Hold" mode is not in use, the "REC" button must
be pressed twice.