8.4. PPPoE Unnumbered
Unnumbered PPPoE can let you manage a range of IP addresses but only need to dial once. When
an IP address is received at the gateway, the driver will use network mask to configure the subnet mask
of ASIC. At the server side, you must delete the corresponding hot route and add a new network route so
that the packets can be correctly routed to gateway.
USER ID: Enter the User Name provided by your ISP. (The ID must be alphanumeric characters and
case sensitive.)
Password: Enter the Password provided by your ISP. (The password must be alphanumeric charac-
ters and case sensitive.)
Confirm Password: Enter the Password again for verification.
IP Address: Please enter the IP address provided by your ISP.
Subnet Mask: Please enter the subnet mask address provided by the ISP.
MTU: MTU means Maximum Transmission Unit, the largest physical packet size, measured in
bytes, that a network can transmit. The default value is 1454. Please set up the MTU according to
your system environment. Only enter a new MTU when your ISP requires, otherwise, please leave it
as the default setting. When using PPPoE connection, you may need to change MTU settings to
maintain the connection with your ISP, however, if the incorrect value was entered, you may be
unable to access certain websites. Reducing the packet size can help connecting to certain websites
or speeding up the transmission rate.
Dial-On-Demand/Silent Timeout: You may disconnect the connection when there is no activity for a
period of time and set the Silent Timeout in the next field. Silent Timeout means a period of idle time
before you go offline. Enter a maximum period of time (minute) to define the maximum idle time. If the
silent time is above the defined maximum idle time, it will go offline immediately. You can set the val-
ue to be 0 or Auto Reconnect to disable this function. If you check the check box of Dial-On-Demand,
MZK-W04NU will dial automatically whenever there’s Internet movement (ex. Opening an IE).