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Intended use

The thermostat is intended for controlling the temperature (e.g. in connection with radiators) within a tem-
perature range of 0 ºC to +120 ºC. 
All the safety and installation instructions must be followed carefully.
This product complies with the applicable National and European requirements. All names of companies and 
products are the trademarks of the respective owner. All rights reserved.

Package Contents 

•  Thermostat with capillary sensor
• Operating Instructions

Safety Instructions

  a) In general


 The warranty will be void in the event of damage caused by failure to observe these safety 
instructions! We do not assume any liability for any consequential damage!


 Nor do we assume any liability for material and personal damage caused by improper use 
or non-compliance with the safety instructions! The warranty will be void in such cases! 


•   The unauthorised conversion and/or modi


 cation of the product is not allowed for safety and 

approval reasons (CE). Never dismantle the product.


•  The product must not be exposed to extreme temperatures, strong vibrations or heavy 

mechanical stress.


•   The product must not get damp or wet, it is solely intended for use in dry, indoor spaces.


•  The product is not a toy and should be kept out of the reach of children! 


•   Do not leave packaging material carelessly lying around since it could become a dangerous 

plaything for children.


•   In commercial institutions, the accident prevention regulations of the employer’s liability insur-

ance association for electrical systems and operating facilities are to be observed!




•   The product may only be installed by a quali


 ed technician (e.g. electrician) who is 

familiar with the relevant regulations (e.g. VDE, German electrical wiring regulations)!


   Improper work, carried out on the mains voltage, endangers not only your own life but 

also the life of others!


   If you do not have the expertise required for the installation, do not install it yourself 

but ask a quali


 ed technician.


•   The thermostat may be mounted and operated only in enclosed housings. Only the shaft for 

the dial may lead outside. The provided dial (or another suitable dial) must be mounted on the 






 ed safety distance between live components carrying mains voltage (contacts or 

connections on the thermostat, etc.) and exposed parts of the enclosure (the device in which 
the thermostat is installed) must be maintained at all times. 


•   The device in which the thermostat is to be installed must be separated from the mains voltage 

and all other cables/leads. Disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket. 


   If the device does not have a mains plug but is permanently connected to the mains voltage, 

switch off the corresponding circuit breakers and also the appliance leakage circuit interrupter 
so that the mains supply line is disconnected at all poles from the mains voltage.


  Secure it against unauthorised reconnection, e.g., with a danger sign. 


   Check there is no voltage with a suitable measuring instrument (e.g. a digital multimeter).


•   Capacitors in the device in which the thermostat is to be installed can remain charged for a 

long time even after the device is switched off and disconnected from the mains voltage. 


  There is a risk of a life-threatening electric shock!


•   Do not use the thermostat in rooms or under adverse ambient conditions where combustible 

gases, vapours or dust are or may be present! There is a risk of explosion!


•   The input power of the thermostat (see “Technical Data”) must not be exceeded.


•   When shifting the capillary tube and also when attaching the sensor, make sure that neither 

the capillary tube nor the sensor is kinked, pinched or otherwise damaged.


   The capillary tube and also the sensor cannot and may not be shortened or cut off. 


  Do not turn any screws or anything similar through the sensor tip. 


  Doing so renders the thermostat unusable!

Installation and Connection

  Observe the safety instructions!

The thermostat is equipped with three connections for cable 
lugs; for this, also observe the overprint on the underside of 
the thermostat.
If in doubt, leave the installation and connection to a specialist. 

Operating Principle

In the long capillary tube (and the sensor tip), which is permanently connected to the thermostat, there is 
a liquid that expands upon warming. At the end of the capillary tube in the thermostat there is a pressure 
sensor, which is mechanically preloaded by the adjustment spindle.
A heating device, which is activated via the switch contact, increases the temperature; the liquid in the 
installed sensor warms up and expands. 
The control element on the pressure sensor breaks the circuit, when it reaches a given temperature.
The temperature falls again and the liquid in the capillary tube contracts. 
At a given temperature, the circuit closes again and the process is repeated.
The temperature at which the thermostat breaks the circuit can be adjusted using the adjustment spindle.
Since this is not an electronic control, it is not possible to set thermostat exactly to a speci


 c temperature.

   The switch contact allows control of both cooling and heating, depending which thermostat con-

tacts are used to make the connection (C + 2 or C + 1).


   Dispose of the unserviceable product according to the relevant statutory regulations!

Technical Data

Contact load .......................................................... 250 V/AC, 50/60 Hz, 20 A
Control range ......................................................... 0 °C to +120 °C
Max. temperature for sensor ................................. 140 °C
Max. temperature for thermostat casing ................ 120 °C
Switching hysteresis .............................................. 3 ±1.5 °C
Length of capillary tube ......................................... approx. 1 m
Bending radius for capillary tube ........................... min. 5 mm


   O P E R A T I N G   I N S T R U C T I O N S

Installable Thermostat  
(0 to +120 °C)

 Item no. 55 16 99

 Version  02/13


   These operating instructions are a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1,  

D-92240 Hirschau ( 


 All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, micro



or the capture in electronic data processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor. 
Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited. 


 These operating instructions represent the technical status at the time of printing. Changes in         
technology and equipment reserved. 


© Copyright 2013 by Conrad Electronic SE.
