Rogue-X – NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ Carrier
Users Guide
Document: CTIM-00082
Revision: 0.01
Page 7 of 40
Date: 2021-04-14
Connect Tech’s Rogue-X (AGX103) is a full featured NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ module carrier board.
This carrier board for AGX Xavier is specifically designed for commercially deployable platforms, and has
an extremely small footprint of 105mm x 105mm.
The Rogue-X provides access to an impressive list of latest generation interfaces on the AGX Xavier while
adding additional interfaces of 3x USB 3.1, 2x GbE, 2x HDMI and a locking Mini-Fit Jr. input power
Rugged camera add-on expansion boards will also be available for use with the Rogue-X to interface
directly with the AGX Xavier’s high density MIPI CSI interfaces.
Rouge-X builds upon the success of the Rouge by adding the ability to interface to two Ximea xiX
Cameras. xiX is a trademark of Ximea GmbH.