5.4.3 Email
This menu allows you to configure email settings. Please complete these settings if you want to receive the system
notifications on your email when an alarm is triggered, HDD becomes full, HDD is in error state, or Video Loss occurs.
You may need to consult your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for your email settings.
Email: Check to enable.
Encryption: Enable if your email server requires the SSL or TLS verification. If you are not sure, set to be Auto.
SMTP Port: Enter the SMTP port of your email server.
SMTP Server: Enter the SMTP server address of your email.
User Name: Enter your email address.
Password: Enter the password of your email.
Receiver 1~3: Enter the email address where you want to receive the event notifications from the Wireless NVR.
Interval: Configure the length of the time interval between the notification emails from the Wireless NVR.
To make sure all settings are correct, click Test Email. The system sends an automated email message to your inbox.
If you received the test email, it means the configuration parameters are correct. Email Configuration