RCS20 M:N Redundancy Switch
Revision 15
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MN-RCS20 and CD-RCS20
Active Major Alarms
Major Alarms indicate that failure conditions that result in loss of service on one or more primary satellite
channels. A major alarm may be caused by an internal switch hardware failure, by failure of one or more
modems under redundancy protection, or by an incorrect configuration. A Major Alarm condition is
indicated by illumination of the MAJOR ALARM LED on the front panel and by relay closure on the real
panel Alarm connector. All conditions resulting in an RCS20 Major Alarm are described in Table 6-1 and
a Major Alarm matrix is shown in Figure 6-1. The alarm matrix shows all possible alarm conditions, and
any actions taken by the RCS20 in response to the alarm.
Table 6-1. RCS20 Major Alarms
The RCS20 has detected a failure in either the internal Random Access Memory, or the
Read Only Memory. If this alarm persists, the unit must be returned to Radyne Corporation
for repair.
The RCS20 attempted to backup a failed prime channel modem, but no backup channel
modem was available because all backup modem channels are currently in use.
The RCS20 attempted to backup a failed prime channel modem, but there was an error
during the backup process that prevented the backup from going on-line.
Figure 6-1. Major Alarm Matrix