Outgoing ports and incoming ports may be altered via the
User Interface
For compatibility with other industry devices, the ACCESS also listens for
incoming streams (and can place outgoing streams) on UDP 5004 and
9150. The device also listens for incoming SIP connections on UDP port
5060, and in the case of successful negotiation will transfer audio on UDP
ports 5014 and 5015<6014 and 6015 with 3.0 firmware>. These ports may
be changed via the user interface, and these functions may be disabled.
The device has the ability to act as a streaming server, accepting TCP
connections on port 8000 and delivering streaming data. This function is
disabled by default, and the port number may be changed.
The device has an optional STUN server and directory download function
(Switchboard TS). In order for this function to work, the device must be
allowed to create an outgoing TCP socket from port 8082. As part of the
STUN protocol, outgoing requests may be made on UDP ports 3478 and
By default, the device serves as an SSH host on TCP port 22. Only SSH
clients with an authorized DSA key can access SSH services on the device.
Other forms of authentication are disabled. This key is kept confidentially
by Comrex for factory diagnostics only. SSH services may be disabled
completely via the user interface.
Under normal operation, the device is controlled by a networked
computer via a web page served from the device on the standard HTTP
port 80 (TCP). This page requires Adobe Flash Player on the browser;
and the Flash plugin establishes a TCP connection back to the device on
the XML port 8080. Both of these ports are required for the remote UI to
function, and the port assignments are configurable. These services may
be disabled by the user interface, but this will disable both the remote
GUI and the on-line updater. TCP Port 8080 is also used by the optional
Remote Control software.
The device will respond to standard ICMP requests.