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Edge 540/2.6m
Congratulations on acquiring your new Composite Arf 2.6m Edge
540! Here at Composite Arf we endeavour to bring you the best
model aircraft possible, built with modern and innovative
techniques. The Edge 540 is constructed using our revolutionary
Total Area Vacuum Sandwich (TAVS) technology. All composite
components are painted in the mould, allowing a quality finish with
the least amount of weight added. Adding paint after construction
only adds weight!
This Edge 540 is designed from the ground up, it’s not just a
modified Extra with a new wing! We used drawings from the full
scale Edge to construct the best possible model using CAD design
All flying surfaces on the Edge 540 are hinged using our unique
4mm hinge pin and phenolic hinge plate system. The surface
hinging is pre installed and aligned at the factory. All surfaces are
removable, and hinged centrally. The Composite Arf Edge 540 is
the first aerobatic plane of our huge catalogue which uses
separated ailerons. They are laminated in their own moulds and pin
hinged like the elevator or rudder of our conventional kits. The
counterbalances emphasize the scale appearance of our Edge and
they also decrease the load on the servos.
The fuselage of the Edge 540 is large for a 2.6m model. It’s big
enough to accommodate just about any boxer twin, even a 150 or
170cc!! We tried this on the prototype, and the power was
breathtaking! Clearly a 100-120cc twin will give you the optimum
power to weigh ratio, keeping the Edge light will optimize its
amazing flight performance for both 3D and IMAC. The large control
surfaces on the Composite Arf Edge 540 are big! 45-50deg
deflections really bring this Edge to life, making it a freestyle beast!
However, dial back the throws and you will be surprised how well
this model will flow through an IMAC sequence, rolls are precise,
spins are effortless and the snaps are crisp and clean.
The following sections in this manual are designed to make the
assembly of your Edge 540 as effortless and trouble free as
possible. Every effort has been made to ensure that the
performance of this Edge is spectacular, with a little bit of effort from
you, we expect this will be an Edge 540 that you are very proud of!
Introduction to the Edge 540