INS_CNFE3TX2CXMS(U,E)_REV– Rev. 7.11.18 PAGE 35
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5.2.3 System Tools
Login Setting
You can change login name and password in page. The default login name and password are
both admin.
Old Name
Type in current login name
Old Password
Type in current password
New Name
Enter a new login name. Acceptable characters contain ‘0-9’, ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ and the
length must be 1 to 15 characters. An empty name is not acceptable.
New Password
Enter a new login password. Acceptable characters contain ‘0-9’, ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ and
the length must be 0 to 15 characters.
Confirm New Password
Retype the new password to confirm it.
Web Protocol
Choose a web management page protocol from HTTP and HTTPS. HTTPS
(HTTP over SSL) encrypts data sent and received over the Web. Choose HTTPS
if you want a secure connection.
Choose a web management page port number. For HTTP, default port is 80.
For HTTPS, default port is 443.