User Manual
9. E-mail
Go to
“Main Menu” → “Parameter” → “Network” → “Email” to get the menu interface.
Receive or Send DVR alarm Email and set parameters like Email address, SSL, Email Enable,
Interval and Email Schedule. The related parameter setting should be consistent with DVR local
setting. Refer to Fig. 5-13.
Fig. 5-13
10. E-mail Schedule
Go to “Main Menu” → “Parameter” → “Network” → “E-mail Schedule” to get Email schedule as
shown in Fig. 5-14.
Fig. 5-14
Select the channel and the date to be set. One week’s schedule can be set.
The record schedule of the current channel can be copied to any other channel or all channels.
1. Green stands for Motion: Email will be sent in case of object motion;
2. Yellow stands for Alarm: Email will be sent in case of IO alarm;
3. Red stands for Exception: Email will be sent in case of exception, e.g. HDD full, HDD damage,
Video loss, etc.