Start / stop by magnet
The function must be enabled from the PC before. If only switching OFF by magnet is enabled,
it is of course necessary to switch ON the logger from the computer.
Switching the logger ON by magnet
Plug magnet to guide slots from logger front side and wait approximately 1 s for decimal point
appears right on LCD upper line. After appearance it is necessary immediately (till indication point
is displayed) to remove magnet from guide slots and logger switches ON.
Switching the logger OFF by magnet
The procedure is identical with the above procedure for switching ON. If decimal point does
not appear after 1 s, it is necessary remove the magnet and repeat the procedure.
Logger connection to monitored device by the K0945 adapter
If no protection against water is required, easy connection to monitored signals is enabled by
the optional K0945 adapter. Insert adapter to logger connector and connect input signals to screw
terminals of the adapter - see figure. Adapter has only IP20 protection, logger protection of IP67 is
not possible to apply with the K0945 adapter.
Let co-axial power connector of the K0945 adapter not connected, there is no need to supply
the adapter. Monitored devices in the figure are only for illustration.