Instruction manual of temperature probes P0102, P0120, P0122, P0132 and
transducers P41x1
Probe P0120 is designed for measurement of air temperature, transducers P0102, P0122 and P0132
for temperature measurement in stainless steel well (well is not included). Transducers P4121 to
P4171 (next only P41x1) without own temperature sensors are designed for signal conversion from
RTD sensor Pt1000 (3850ppm/°C) to current. All aforesaid devices have linear current output (4-20)
mA for two wire connection.
Technical parameters:
Current output
Formula for Calculation of
[°C, mA]
Formula for calculation
of current
[mA, °C]
P0102 -30 to +60
4 to 20
T = 5,625
I - 52,5
I = (T + 52,5) / 5,625
P0120 -30 to +80
4 to 20
T = 6.875
I – 57.5
I = (T + 57.5) / 6.875
P0122 -30 to +80
4 to 20
T = 6.875
I – 57.5
I = (T + 57.5) / 6.875
P0132 0 to +150
4 to 20
T = 9.375
I – 37.5
I = (T + 37.5) / 9.375
P4141 -100 to +30
4 to 20
T = 8.125
I – 132.5
I = (T + 132.5) / 8.125
P4121 -30 to +80
4 to 20
T = 6.875
I – 57.5
I = (T + 57.5) / 6.875
0 to +35
4 to 20
T = 2.1875
I – 8.75
I = (T + 8.75) / 2.1875
P4131 0 to +150
4 to 20
T = 9.375
I – 37.5
I = (T + 37.5) / 9.375
P4161 0 to +250
4 to 20
T = 15.625
I – 62.5
I = (T + 62.5) / 15.625
P4171 0 to +400
4 to 20
T = 25
I – 100
I = (T + 100) / 25
P4191 -50 to +50
4 to 20
T = 6,25
I - 75
I = (T + 75) / 6,25
(1) …. for temperature up to 100
C. For temperature over 100
C is accuracy of measurement
±0,4% from reading
The accuracy of P0120 is determined for temperature at the end of the stem with airflow less than 0,5m/s.
The accuracy of transducer P41x1 is an input accuracy in respect of table value of sensor Pt1000/3850ppm.
Current output in the case of error:
P41x1: more than 24 mA in the case of disconnected probe
P41x1: less than 3.5 mA in the case of shorted probe
Power of device is allowed from 9V to 30V DC (typically 24V), maximum ripple 0.5 %
Response time:
P0120: t63 < 2 min, t90 < 4 min (temperature step from +25°C to +80°C, airflow c.1 m/s)
P01x2: t63 < 45 s at temperature step (0..100) °C, stem with well immersed to fluid, flow
velocity 1 m/s
P41x1: depends on connected temperature probe.
Operating temperature and humidity range:
Temperature of case -30 to 80 °C with humidity from 0 to 100 %RH without condensation
Operational position:
P0120: installation on the wall with the stem towards down
For devices P41x1, P01x2 in well there is no limitation in working position
Outer characteristics in accordance with Czech National Standard 33-2000-3:
Normal environment with the specifications: AM1, BE1, CB1
Not allowed manipulations:
It is not allowed to operate the device under other than specified conditions in technical
parameters. Devices are not designed for locations where mechanical vibrations can appear
and for locations with chemically aggressive environment.
Interval of metrological verification depends on concrete application. Recommended
period is about 1 year.
Protection of electronic:
IP65 (tighten glands, tighten case lid with inserted packing of lid)