Atena Easy Addressable Fire Alarm Panel – Installation and Programming Manual
Table: Event Messages.
Flash Error
FLASH Memory error is detected.
Ram Error
RAM Memory error is detected.
New Periphery Devices Found
New periphery devices are found in the system configuration.
Periphery Device Fault
The device is not responding (the device is lost or failed).
Periphery Device Type Error
A periphery device with different type is found on the address.
AC Loss
The main power supply is lost.
Battery Low
The accumulator battery is discharged.
Battery Loss
The accumulator battery is missing.
Battery High Resistance
High value (
Ri>0.3Ω) of the battery internal resistance. Replace the battery immediately!
Earth Fault
Resistive connection between some signals and earth < 10k.
Charger Fault
The charging unit is failed.
Sounder1 Short
Short circuit detected at Sounder 1 output.
Sounder2 Short
Short circuit detected at Sounder 2 output.
Sounder1 Open
Circuit broken at Sounder 1 output.
Sounder2 Open
Circuit broken at Sounder 2 output.
Fire Output Short
Short circuit detected at Fire output.
Fire Output Fault
Circuit broken at Fire output.
EXT Output Short
Short circuit detected at Extinguishing output.
EXT Output Fault
Circuit broken at Extinguishing output.
Fault Output Short
Short circuit detected at Fault output.
Fault Output Fault
Circuit broken at Fault output.
Fault Power AUX
Short circuit (the mains power supply is lost).
Alarm Confirm Input Short
Short circuit detected at input
‘Alarm Confirmation’.
Alarm Confirm Input Open
Circuit broken at input
‘Alarm Confirmation’.
Alarm Confirm Input On
‘Alarm Confirmation’ input activation.
Protection Alarm Confirm Short
Short circuit detected at input
‘Protection Alarm Confirmation’.
Protection Alarm Confirm Open
Circuit broken at input
‘Protection Alarm Confirmation’.
Protection Alarm Confirm On
‘Protection Alarm Confirmation’ input activation.
Fault Protection Panel Input Short
Short circuit detected at input
‘Protection Panel Fault’.
Fault Protection Panel Input Open
Circuit broken at input
‘Protection Panel Fault’.
Fault Protection Panel Input On
‘Protection Panel Fault’ input activation.
Protection Panel Fault
The extinguishing panel failure.
Loop Break
The loop is broken.
Loop Short
Short circuit detected in the loop.
New Loop Devices Found
New loop devices are found in system configuration (Loop 1 or Loop 2).
Loop Zero Address
There is a device without address number (a device with addres 0 is applied).
Double Panel number
Doubling of the panel number (when two or more panels are connected in a network).
Panel Fault
Fault in the connection with another panel (when two or more panels are connected
in a network).
Reseting of the panel.
Silence Alarm
The sounders have been silenced.
Zone Disabled
The zone is disabled.
Earth Fault function DISABLED
The Earth Fault indication is disabled.