4.2.2. Set ting the Drying Tem per a ture
For each dry ing hop per, set the re quired dry ing tem per a ture (= de sired value) by
means of the re spec tive thermo reg u la tor.
Check whether the set dry ing tem per a ture is ap pro pri ate for the ma te ri als which
have been filled in.
Ob serve the in struc tions of the ma te rial man u fac turer.
Af ter the first fill ing, pro cess the ma te rial only af ter the re ten tion pe riod is over.
Ob serve the in struc tions of the ma te rial man u fac turer.
Press the “PGM” key.
Se lect the set ting range of the dry ing tem per a ture.
Set the dry ing tem per a ture.
Press the “En ter” key.
Af ter a change of ma te ri als, im me di ately check and cor rect
the set dry ing tem per a ture.
CTT 30 / CTT 60 / CTT 120
Start up 33