4.1. Ini tial Op er a tion
Check whether the in let of the dry ing hop per is closed by a blind lid, or whether a
con veyor unit (op tional) is in stalled.
If not, man u fac ture a suit able blind lid and in stall it on the in let of the dry ing hop per
or in stall the con veyor unit (op tional).
At tach ments which are not sup plied by Colortronic must be
man u fac tured ac cord ing to the safety reg u la tion
Eu ro pean Stan dard 294.
Check whether the cool ant cir cuit of the re turn air cooler is turned on (if a re turn
air cooler is in stalled).
4.1.1. Switching on the Dryer
Switch on the main switch of the dryer.
The green sig nal lamp goes on and the blower is run ning.
For op er a tion with timer clock:
Turn the re lease switch in “au to matic” po si tion.
For op er a tion with out timer clock:
Turn the re lease switch in “hand” po si tion.
Read the op er at ing man ual of the timer clock.
CTT 30 / CTT 60 / CTT 120
Start up 30