3.2. Drying Hop per (Op tional)
The ma te rial is dried in the dry ing hop per. The de hu mid i fied air is con ducted
through the ma te rial in the dry ing hop per and takes up mois ture. Drying hop pers
must have the ap pro pri ate di men sions for their spe cific use so that the de sired fi -
nal mois ture con tent is reached. When re fill ing a dry ing hop per, the ma te rial must
first be dried com pletely be fore ma te rial can be taken out for the first time.
If ma te rial is taken out con tin u ously, there must also be a con tin ual ad di tion of
ma te rial into the dry ing hop per (con tin u ous dry ing pro cess). New (moist) ma te rial
is con ducted into the up per open ing of the dry ing hop per and slowly reaches the
ma te rial out let at the lower end. On its way from the up per to the lower end, the
ma te rial is dried down to the fi nal mois ture con tent.
In or der to guar an tee a con tin u ous dry ing pro cess, we rec om mend that you al -
ways keep the dry ing hop per filled com pletely.
CTT 30 / CTT 60 / CTT 120
Func tional de scrip tion 25
Drying hop per
Damp air
De hu mi di fied air