Version 1.00
Global Scanning UK Ltd © 2018
Testing connectivity
If you are still having problems with the Scan to PC or Copy functions, eliminate the scanner and
ScanApp Lei as the cause of the issue by testing using a direct Ethernet connection. This is
intended as a diagnostic step only and not recommended as the permanent configuration.
Copy - connect an Ethernet cable between the Scanner and the printer using static IP addresses
as below.
Scan to PC - connect an Ethernet cable between the Scanner and the PC using static IP addresses
as below. Ensure the PC is not also connected to another wireless network.
If this is working, the scanner and ScanApp Lei are working as expected. If the system does not
work correctly when connected via the local network using the desired IP addresses (Static or
DHCP), then the problem lies with the network configuration. For further information regarding
network configurations, please contact your local network administrator.
Information for Network Administrators.
This Information Bulletin should provide an overview and greater understanding of how the Lei
series scanners communicates over the network.
Copy - Ports and protocols:
The scanner searches for the printer by issuing a SNMP broadcast packet on UDP port 161 and
expects a response on port 161.
Three attempts with a timeout value of 5-10secs will be tried.
Error 15 will be displayed if no response is received.
Given that the scanner received a SNMP response, it will then attempt to communicate directly
with the printer via the CPCA protocol on UDP port 47545.
The scanner will enquire about sleep and paper status.
Any problem with this communication will result in an Error 16.
When communicating with IVEC printers (TM-200/300/5200/5300), the scanner will also acquire
information from the printers built-in HMI database via the HTTP protocol on TCP port 80.
Any problems with this communication should result in an Error 16 as well.
Scanner IP = 192.168.001.
Subnet =
PC IP = 192.168.001.
Subnet =
Printer IP = 192.168.001.
Subnet =