D014465 CR1400 CR1000 CR2300 CR2600 CR3600 CR44X5 CR8000 CR900FD CR6000 CR5000 T500 Client Version ICD
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Reg Setting Name
Default (Hex)
Beep (Vibrate) Pulse
Separation (ms)
Valid Range: 0 to 7FFFFFFF Milliseconds
The spacing in milliseconds between beeps when beeping
multiple times.
Note: Readers with a vibration motor are the CR1400,
CR1400XHD, CR1428, CR2600, CR2600XHD, CR3600,
CR3600DPM and CR6000.
Keywords: #Beep, #Vibration
AGC Selection for
Picture Taking
0: Use decoder AGC (designed for Symbology decoding)
1: Use imager AGC (optimized for pictures)
Keywords: #PictureSettings
Wide field (FOI 1)
Picture Window Left
Specify left edge of window used with “take picture.” The
position and size are relative to the virtual image (i.e. not the
rotated physical image).
Note: On a Code Reader, overall image is 960 pixels by 1280
pixels. Upper half is Wide field (FOI 1); lower half is High
Density (FOI 0). The High Density field (FOI 0) does not exist on
the CR900FD.
Keywords: #PictureSettings
Wide field (FOI 1)
Picture Window Upper
Specify upper edge of window used with “take picture.” The
position and size are relative to the virtual image (i.e. not the
rotated physical image).
Note: On a Code Reader, overall image is 960 pixels by 1280
pixels. Upper half is Wide field (FOI 1); lower half is High
Density (FOI 0). The High Density field (FOI 0) does not exist on
the CR900FD.
Keywords: #PictureSettings
Wide field (FOI 1)
Picture Window Width
Specify width of window used with “take picture.” The position
and size are relative to the virtual image (i.e. not the rotated
physical image).
Note: On a Code Reader, overall image is 960 pixels by 1280
pixels. Upper half is Wide field (FOI 1); lower half is High
Density (FOI 0). The High Density field (FOI 0) does not exist on
the CR900FD.
Keywords: #PictureSettings