D014465 CR1400 CR1000 CR2300 CR2600 CR3600 CR44X5 CR8000 CR900FD CR6000 CR5000 T500 Client Version ICD
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Reg Setting Name
Default (Hex)
27F Low Battery Level (%)
Valid Range: 0 to 64 (#100) Percent
Used for battery status indication
Note: Supported on CR4405 only.
Keywords: #Battery
280 Medium Battery Level
Valid Range: 0 to 64 (#100) Percent
Used for battery status indication
Note: Supported on CR4405 only.
Keywords: #Battery
282 Sled Battery Critical
Level (%)
Valid Range: 0 to 64 (#100) Percent
Reader will not supply current to a connected phone below
this level. This applies to all power management schemes.
Note: Supported on CR4405 only.
Keywords: #Battery
284 Device Battery Charge
Defines the way in which the reader will attempt to charge a
connected device/phone. All power schemes involving
charging the device will stop charging when the critical sled
battery level is reached (register 282).
0: Do not charge
1: Keep phone fully charged
2: Managed Power Scheme:
Never charge device (phone) if sled battery is below value
in register 282 (Sled battery critical level). This always
trumps other conditions that would normally initiate device
(phone) charging.
Assuming first condition is not true, always charge phone
until sled battery drops below value in register 29D. This is
the reserve amount of sled battery required to maintain
desired scanner usage (Typically ~12 hours, 100 scans/hr).
Charge phone if device battery drops below value in
register 29C. Cancel charging when device battery rises
above the value in register 29C added to the value in
register 285.
Note: Supported on CR4405 only.
Keywords: #Battery