Control and Display Descriptions
BBG-1002-2UDX-OM (V1.3)
Web User Interface
(See Figure 3-4.) The device function menu is organized using main menu
navigation tabs which appear on the left side of any pane regardless of the
currently displayed pane. When a menu tab is selected, each parametric
control or selection list item associated with the function is displayed. Scalar
(numeric) parametric values can then be adjusted as desired using the GUI
slider controls. Items in a list can then be selected using GUI drop-down lists.
Figure 3-4 Typical Web UI Display and Controls
Typical Parametric Control
Typical Drop-Down Selector
Main Menu Navigation Tabs
Typical Status Display
In this example, the Framesync main menu tab is selected, with the overall pane now showing all sub-menu items related to the
framesync function.
Clicking another main menu tab immediately displays the pane related to the selected main menu tab.