10ml BD Plastipak
Duration 24:00
Change ↑↓ Press YES
10ml BD Plastipak
Rate 0ml/h
Change ↑↓ Press YES
Duration Changed
Please Check rate
Volume 12 ml
Duration 24:00
Rate 0.5 ml/h
Press YES
: If the volume displayed after loading the syringe is greater than or
significantly less than the volume visually confirmed on the syringe scale, remove the
syringe, turn off the pump and, with the barrel clamp arm down, turn the pump on to
allow pre-loading to occur. Repeat the Syringe placement and detection steps and
ensure the correct syringe size and brand are confirmed. If the calculated volume
reading is still significantly different from the visually confirmed contents, remove
the pump from use and return to an authorized service centre for inspection, testing
and calibration.
14. Press YES/START key to confirm the volume to be infused (VTBI).
15. The LCD display now prompts the healthcare provider to set
the Duration of the infusion. The Pump is likely to be
configured to a default duration in the access code protected set
up menu. For example, senior clinical or technical personnel
may have set a 24:00 hour default. If so the Duration screen
will show the default.
16. Use the UP & DOWN arrow keys to set the desired duration or press YES to confirm
acceptance of the default duration.
Setting the Infusion Rate
17. The Pump calculates and displays the rate (in milliliters per
hour) required to deliver the VTBI over the infusion Duration
confirmed. Rate can be set in increments of 0.1ml between 0.1
- 100ml/hr and 1ml increments from 100 to 1000ml/hr.
Senior clinical personnel or technicians can set a maximum rate limit to prevent rates
above a certain limit being set, appropriate to the application in use.
18. Press YES to confirm the calculated rate or use the UP & DOWN arrow to adjust.
Changing the rate will alter the duration confirmed at the
previous step. In most cases a maximum rate will be
programmed into the Pump (see Change Set Up) which will limit
the healthcare provider’s ability to increase the infusion rate
outside of safe limits. If the rate is changed a Warning screen is
displayed (right) before the Summary Screen is displayed.
Set Program Lock
19. Enter the program code and enable the program lock.
Start Infusion
The Summary Screen confirms Volume To Be Infused, duration
and Infusion rate.
Healthcare provider should always check
that the detail on this screen matches the prescription
especially if they have altered either the default Duration or
the calculated Rate during programming.