This logger can operate in one of three power configurations.
In this mode the logger
allowing for the streaming of
In this mode, the logger will
its recorded data to a remote database
External 12V supply
automatically switch to battery mode should the power fail.
Each power mode can be selected from the
which the logger will switch from Mains to Battery mode is defined by the 'Power Threshold' voltage. This should only
under special circumstances be adjusted from 4.75V.
Fitted onto each logger is an onboard 24V 30mA power generator. The Cumu
output at a maximum of 30mA, allowing for the powering of an external piece of equipment or current loop device
eliminating the need for a secondary power supply. This option will also function under battery operation.
Operation Modes are as follows and are selected in the 'Generator Modes' options
To expand on the Loop/Modbus Power options
device, the power is turned on each time that interface is activated to read. Depending on the device you are powering,
there is a preset amount of time it will need to be powered before it has 'settled' and the reading has become stable
enough to sample. This varies from device to device and can be adjusted using the 'Generator Delay' time.
The Bluetooth interface can operate in two different modes. It can be permanently on or activated by means of a short
push of the pushbutton on the logger. Battery powered
optional on mains powered loggers.
Another important thing to note is that, in pushbutton mode, the Bluetooth interface will automatically switch off if no
data is being sent from the software for more than 60 second
to prevent the Bluetooth interface from being inadvertently left on and draining the battery.
can be selected in the 'Bluetooth Mode' list.
Loop Power
Modbus Power
In this mode the
In this mode the generator is permanently on.
Under Loop Power control, the generator will be turned on for a
specific period of time (Generator Delay) before the 4
interface is read.
Under Modbus Power control, the ge
specific period of time (Generator Delay) before the Modbus
interface is read.
can operate in one of three power configurations.
In this mode the logger will be continuously connected to the server
allowing for the streaming of real time data.
In this mode, the logger will 'wakeup' (normally 6 hourly) and upload
its recorded data to a remote database and then go to sleep.
External 12V supply + Battery. In this mode the logger will
automatically switch to battery mode should the power fail.
can be selected from the items under 'Power Mode'. When a logger is in Dual Mode, the voltage point at
which the logger will switch from Mains to Battery mode is defined by the 'Power Threshold' voltage. This should only
sted from 4.75V.
Fitted onto each logger is an onboard 24V 30mA power generator. The Cumulus Pulse Logger can generate a stable 24V
allowing for the powering of an external piece of equipment or current loop device
the need for a secondary power supply. This option will also function under battery operation.
Operation Modes are as follows and are selected in the 'Generator Modes' options.
To expand on the Loop/Modbus Power options - when using the generator to power a 4-20mA loop device or Modbus
device, the power is turned on each time that interface is activated to read. Depending on the device you are powering,
there is a preset amount of time it will need to be powered before it has 'settled' and the reading has become stable
This varies from device to device and can be adjusted using the 'Generator Delay' time.
The Bluetooth interface can operate in two different modes. It can be permanently on or activated by means of a short
. Battery powered loggers are always in the pushbutton mode whereas this mode is
Another important thing to note is that, in pushbutton mode, the Bluetooth interface will automatically switch off if no
for more than 60 seconds.
This includes the diagnostic streaming mode
to prevent the Bluetooth interface from being inadvertently left on and draining the battery. The Bluetooth power option
In this mode the generator is permanently off.
In this mode the generator is permanently on.
Under Loop Power control, the generator will be turned on for a
specific period of time (Generator Delay) before the 4
interface is read.
Under Modbus Power control, the generator will be turned on for a
specific period of time (Generator Delay) before the Modbus
interface is read.
be continuously connected to the server
'wakeup' (normally 6 hourly) and upload
In this mode the logger will
items under 'Power Mode'. When a logger is in Dual Mode, the voltage point at
which the logger will switch from Mains to Battery mode is defined by the 'Power Threshold' voltage. This should only
Logger can generate a stable 24V
allowing for the powering of an external piece of equipment or current loop device
the need for a secondary power supply. This option will also function under battery operation.
20mA loop device or Modbus
device, the power is turned on each time that interface is activated to read. Depending on the device you are powering,
there is a preset amount of time it will need to be powered before it has 'settled' and the reading has become stable
This varies from device to device and can be adjusted using the 'Generator Delay' time.
The Bluetooth interface can operate in two different modes. It can be permanently on or activated by means of a short
are always in the pushbutton mode whereas this mode is
Another important thing to note is that, in pushbutton mode, the Bluetooth interface will automatically switch off if no
This includes the diagnostic streaming mode. Again, this is
The Bluetooth power option
Under Loop Power control, the generator will be turned on for a
specific period of time (Generator Delay) before the 4-20mA
nerator will be turned on for a
specific period of time (Generator Delay) before the Modbus