Models DC-1, -10, -20B DC Spark Testers
DC-1, -10, -20B Instruction Manual
Page 44
CIC XM Utility
To configure any of the active CompactCom™ modules
(DeviceNet, Ethernet IP, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Profibus,
Profinet), plug in a micro USB cable and run the CIC XM Utility. If the USB cable is not connected the CIC XM Utility will
prompt for the USB cable as shown.
Once the cable is connected you will get one of two edit screens. The first is for Ethernet based fieldbus types (Ethernet
IP, Modbus TCP and Profinet) shown on the left. The second type of edit screen is for non-Ethernet based fieldbuses
(DeviceNet, Profibus, Modbus RTU) shown on the right. Note the Read Only indicator.