94# Learn-In Device:
This is used for learning in non-silent devices.
The available devices that can be learnt-in via Command #93 and #94 are:
PIR Sensor ----- PIR
Smoke Detector ---- SD
Carbon Monoxide Detector---- CO
Fixed Panic Button ---- PB
Wrist Transmitter ---- WTR
Pendant Transmitter ---- WTR
Water Sensor ---- WS
Fall Sensor ---- FS
Medication Dispenser
To learn a silent device or a non-silent device:
Step 1
: Depending on the device type, click the Start button besides 93# (Silent Device) or the Start
Button besides 94# (Device) to enter learning mode, a “Panel in learning mode. Please press
Device Button!” message will pop up.
Step 2
: Press the Device Button within 20 secs, a “Learn Device success!” message will pop up to
indicate successful learning.
Learning can only be completed within the signal reception range of CTC-1052-QT. If no
signal is received within 20 sec, a “Learning Fail” message will pop up, and CTC-1052-QT
will automatically return to Programming mode.
Adding a Device for a second time is prohibited unless it is removed from the system first.