C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
Rooftop (TRE) Series
R e v. : O c t o b e r 7 , 2 0 1 9
C l i m a t e M a s t e r Wa t e r - S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
Airflow and External Static Pressure
Selection Adjustment
The TRE Series is available with standard, low, and high
static options. These options will substitute a different
blower drive sheave for each static range. In addition
certain static ranges (bold print in Tables 5a through 5k)
may require the optional large fan motor. Please specify
static range and motor horsepower when ordering. See
model nomenclature.
Sheave Adjustment
The TRE Series is supplied with variable sheave drive on
the fan motor to adjust for differing airflows at various
ESP conditions. Select an airflow requirement on the left
side of the table, then move horizontally to right under
the required ESP. Note the sheave turns open, rpm and
horsepower for that condition. Fully closed the sheave
will produce the highest static capability (higher rpm). To
adjust sheave position: loosen belt tension and remove
belt, loosen set screw on variable sheave (on fan motor)
and open sheave to desired position. Retighten set screw
and replace belt and set belt tension as below.
Belt Tensioning
An overly loose belt will, upon motor start, produce a
slippage 'squeel' and cause premature belt failure and
or intermittent airflow. An overly tight belt can cause
premature motor or blower bearing failure.
Belt Tensioning Procedure - TRE
Blower motors for TRE models are slide base mounted.
To adjust the belt tension:
1. Loosen the two (2) bolts that lock the base to the slide
2. Locate the adjusting bolt on the left side of the base
3. Turn counter clock wise to tighten or clock wise to
loosen the belt.
4. The belt should be tensioned using a tension gauge
method such as the Browning Belt Tensioner to set
proper belt tension (see next page).
5. After belt tension is set secure the (2) locking bolts.
• Motor position should not need adjustment.
• Motor sheave position is at mid position of each
sheave. Thus the motor sheave is typically 2.5 turns
open on a 5 turn sheave.
Blower Adjustment
Always disconnect all power supply(s) to unit
prior to making belt or sheave adjustments. Inadvertently
starting of the motor can cause damage to the equipment
and personal injury.