C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
Rooftop (TRE) Series
R e v. : O c t o b e r 7 , 2 0 1 9
C l i m a t e M a s t e r Wa t e r - S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
Unit System Checkout
• Voltage:
Ensure that voltage is within the utiliza-
tion range specifications of the unit compressor
and fan motor.
System Water Temperature:
Ensure that it is
within an acceptable range to facilitate start-up.
(When conducting this check, also verify proper
heating and cooling setpoints.)
System Water pH:
Verify system water acidity.
(pH = 7.5 or 8.5) Proper pH promotes the longev-
ity of hoses and heat exchangers.
System Flushing:
Properly clean and flush system
periodically. Ensure that all supply and return
hoses are connected end-to-end to facilitate
system flushing and prevent fouling of the heat
exchanger by system water. Water used in the
system must be of potable quality and clean of
dirt, piping slag, and chemical cleaning agents.
Closed-Type Cooling Tower or Open Tower
with Heat Exchanger:
Check equipment for
proper temperature set points and operation.
Water Flow Rate to Heat Pump:
System is
Standby Pump:
Verify that the standby pump is
properly installed and in operating condition.
Control Box:
Tighten/check all electrical con-
nections. Ensure transformer is wired on correct
voltage TAP (208 - 230 Volt only).
Access Panels:
Assure that all access panels in
the filter and fan section are securely closed.
Air Dampers:
Assure that all air dampers are
properly set.
System Controls:
To ensure that no catastrophic
system failures occur, verify that system controls
are functioning and that the sequencing is
Freeze Protection for Water System:
Verify that
freeze protection is provided for the building
loop water system when outdoor design condi-
tions require antifreeze. Inadequate freeze pro-
tection can lead to expensive tower and system
piping repairs.
System Water Loop:
Verify that all air is bled from
the system. Air in the system impedes unit opera-
tion and causes corrosion in the system piping.
Unit Filters:
To avoid system damage, ensure
that the unit filter is clean.
Unit Fans:
Manually rotate fans to assure free
rotation. Ensure that fans are properly secured to
the fan shaft. Do not oil fan motors on start-up
since they are lubricated at the factory.
System Control Center:
To ensure control of
the temperature set-points for operation of the
system’s heat rejector and boiler (when used),
examine the system control and alarm panel for
proper installation and operation.
Note any questionable aspects of
the installation.
a. Adjust the unit thermostat to the coolest
position. If the unit has a MCO thermostat,
set the selector switch to cool. Both the fan
and compressor should run. For heat pumps
with ACO, adjust the cooling set point to
a temperature at least 3° F below room
b. Check for cool air delivery at the unit grille
within a few minutes after the unit has begun to
operate. List the identification number of any
machines that do not function.
Operate each heat pump in the heating cycle immedi-
ately after checking cooling cycle operation. A time delay
will prevent the compressor from restarting for approxi-
mately 5 minutes.
1. Adjust all water valves to their full open position. Turn
on the line power to all heat pump units.
2. Operate each unit in the cooling cycle. Room
temperature should be approximately 70° to 75° F DB,
and 61° to 65° F WB. Loop water temperature entering
the heat pumps should be between 60° F and 110° F.
When the unit is operating in the cooling mode under
AHRI conditions, the leaving water temperature is
approximately 10° F warmer than the entering water
temperature at 3 GPM / ton.
When the disconnect switch is closed, high
voltage is present in some areas of the electrical panel.
Exercise caution when working with energized equipment.
Polyolester Oil, commonly known as POE oil, is
a synthetic oil used in many refrigeration systems including
those with HFC-410A refrigerant. POE oil, if it ever comes
in contact with PVC or CPVC piping, may cause failure of
the PVC/CPVC. PVC/CPVC piping should never be used
as supply or return water piping with water source heat
pump products containing HFC-410A as system failures and
property damage may result.