Effect 1 offers three different types of effects:
Tremolo, Auto-Panning, and 2 types of Wah-Wah.
The tremolo and the auto-panning have 3 selectable depths. Pan1 is
less dramatic than Pan2, and Pan 3 (both Pan LEDs lit) is the most
Tremolo is a volume modulation that continuously varies the output
signal volume. Tremolo is a commonly used modulation, especially for
Wurlitzer electric pianos. The Tremolo effect is stereo in/stereo out.
The Pan is an automatic panning modulation that smoothly moves the
signal between the left and right outputs in the stereo panorama. The
Pan effect is stereo in/stereo out.
The A-Wa is a wah-effect where a lowpass ilter sweeps across the
frequency range, and is controlled by the volume of the signal. This
means that you can use the velocity on the keyboard to control the
amount of “Quack!” in the sound. The Rate knob sets the frequency
range of the sweep.
A-Wa1 has a nice, mellow sound. A-Wa2 reacts a bit faster and gives
you a brighter, more distinct character.
The Wah effects are mono in/mono out.
Effect 2 offers three types of modulation effects:
Phaser, Flanger and Chorus.
Each of these effects has 3 selectable depths in the same fashion as
the tremolo and pan in the Effects 1 section. The Rate knob control the
rate of the effect.
The langer produces a characteristic comb ilter effect. The Flanger
effect is mono in/mono out.
The phaser effect produces a characteristic “sweep” effect commonly
used with electric piano sounds. The phaser effect is mono in/mono
The Chorus effect simulates having several slightly de-tuned signals.
The chorus effect is stereo in/stereo out.
The Nord Piano has a 3-band EQ with treble, bass and a sweep-able
midrange (4 kHz, 100 Hz and 200 Hz ~ 8 kHz). The frequencies can be
boosted/attenuated with +/- 15 dB. The EQ is stereo in, stereo out.
This section contains the speaker/amp emulations and a compressor.
Small, JC and Twin emulates three different kinds of ampliier and
speaker cabinets. The amount of drive is controlled by the Speaker/
Comp knob. The Ampsim effect is mono in/mono out.
Comp is a compressor that will even out the dynamics of what you
play, making low level sounds louder and high level sounds lower in
volume. This produces a tight, punchy sound and makes the overall
level easier to control in a live mix situation. The compressor is stereo
in/stereo out.
When this effect is active, the Drive/Comp knob controls the amount of
compression applied.
The Reverb section simulates the natural sound relections in various
acoustic environments. You can choose between six reverb types with
various lengths and densities, indicated by the LEDs in the selector.
The Stage “1” is a softer version, the Stage “2” is a brighter version,
etc.. The reverb effect is stereo in/stereo out.
The Dry/Wet knob sets the balance between the unprocessed and the
processed signal.
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