General outline of the system
1) M4GA/B4-T6G1
This solenoid valve system is equipped with a remote I/O station (slave station unit
OPP3-1G), MELSEC-A sequencer, made by Mitsubishi Denki Company Ltd. And Qna
series field network; the CC-Link system.
(1) It helps to curtail wiring man-hours as it requires twist pair cables only to connect it
with PLC.
(2) Up to 64 units of the slave station OPP3-1G having 16 output points, are able to be con-
nected to one master unit, made by Mitsubishi Denki Company Ltd.
(3) The source of power for unit and valve can be installed individually and each unit has a
monitor LED indicator.
(4) The charging of power for valve is verified on the side of sequencer by means of commu-
The location of electric trouble such as abnormal condition of power or burnt out fuse is
detected easily.
(5) HLD/CLR switch helps choosing either holding output signal or All points OFF.
2) CC-Link System
The CC-Link is one of MELSEC-A PLC, made by Mitsubishi Denki Company Ltd. And
Qna series field network systems including remote I/O devices and intelligent devices
(high speed counters, inverters etc) can be configured with reduced wire connections.
Morever, the user can create programs that control these devices installed away from the
master system has the following features;
(1) To a single master station, the CC-Link system allows the connection of up to 64 remote
I/O stations and the control over up to 2048 input and output points.
(2) The scan time achieved through the links between the master and remote I/O stations is
4 ms when the number of the controlled I/O points is 2048 (at the data transfer rate of
10M bps).
(3) The CC-Link system allows cyclic transfer not only of bit data but also of word data.
The CC-Link is maintained and controlled by the CC-Link Association (CLPA).
Note : Read this User
s Manual and the CKD
s Solenoid Valve Instruction Manual
without fail before using the solenoid valve system.
Whilst this manual chiefly describes solenoid valve and slave station (OPP3-1G.).
This manual chiefly describes the solenoid valve system and the slave station
(OPP3-1G) installed to it. Another units (master, slave station) which allows con-
nection with the CC-Link, refer to the corresponding user’s manuals. Before using
the solenoid valve system, you are requested to study its functions and performance
by reading both this manual and the Solenoid Valve Instruction Manual without
If the customer has any question about the CC-Link, contact the following home page.
CC-Link Association
Home page address : http://www.cc