1764 Version 1.00
©CITEL Technologies Ltd 2004
SIP Gateway IP Addressing
When you first install the Gateway on a new network, you must set the following details.
Setting these details for the first time is achieved using a serial connection as described
below. Subsequent configuration changes may be made via the web interface as on page 18.
Figure 6 –Gateway Configuration Details
Interface 1 (Ports 1-12) IP Address
If DHCP is enabled, this setting is not required
If DHCP is not enabled, you must assign a static
IP address for Gateway ports 1 to 12
Whether or not DHCP is enabled, the DHCP IP
address used by Interface 1 is used for web
browser access to the CITELlink Web
Configuration for these ports
Interface 2 (Ports 13-24) IP Address
If DHCP is enabled this setting is not required
If DHCP is not enabled, you must assign a static
IP address for Gateway ports 13 to 24
Whether or not DHCP is enabled, the DHCP IP
address used by Interface 2 is used for web
browser access to the CITELlink Web
Configuration for these ports
DHCP Enabled?
Default is TRUE
If FALSE, static IP addresses must be entered
for Interface 1 and Interface 2 (above)
The IP addresses assigned to Interface 1 and
Interface 2 are also used to access the
web interface. If you enable DHCP,
consider how you will make the
interface available for browser access (e.g. a
DNS to DHCP lookup might be needed)
Net Mask
Specify the appropriate IP Net Mask for your
network, e.g.
Config Address
Specify the appropriate IP address for the
Configuration Server for your network
The Configuration Server hosts a TFTP Server
which serves up configuration files to the
Gateway, at boot time