Cisco ME-3600X-24CX Series Switch Chassis Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring Pseudowire
Verifying the Interface Configuration
Verifying the Interface Configuration
You can use the following commands to verify your pseudowire configuration:
show cem circuit—Displays information about the circuit state, administrative state, the CEM ID
of the circuit, and the interface on which it is configured. If xconnect is configured under the circuit,
the command output also includes information about the attached circuit.
Router# show cem circuit ?
<0-504> CEM ID
detail Detailed information of cem ckt(s)
interface CEM Interface
summary Display summary of CEM ckts
| Output modifiers
Router# show cem circuit
CEM Int. ID Line Admin Circuit AC
1 UP UP ACTIVE --/--
2 UP UP ACTIVE --/--
3 UP UP ACTIVE --/--
4 UP UP ACTIVE --/--
5 UP UP ACTIVE --/--
show cem circuit—Displays the detailed information about that particular circuit.
Router# show cem circuit 1
CEM0/1, ID: 1, Line State: UP, Admin State: UP, Ckt State: ACTIVE
Idle Pattern: 0xFF, Idle cas: 0x8, Dummy Pattern: 0xFF
Dejitter: 5, Payload Size: 40
Framing: Framed, (DS0 channels: 1-5)
Channel speed: 56
CEM Defects Set
Excessive Pkt Loss RatePacket Loss
Signalling: No CAS
Ingress Pkts: 25929 Dropped: 0
Egress Pkts: 0 Dropped: 0
CEM Counter Details
Input Errors: 0 Output Errors: 0
Pkts Missing: 25927 Pkts Reordered: 0
Misorder Drops: 0 JitterBuf Underrun: 1
Error Sec: 26 Severly Errored Sec: 26
Unavailable Sec: 5 Failure Counts: 1
Pkts Malformed: 0
show cem circuit summary—Displays the number of circuits which are up or down per interface
Router# show cem circuit summary
CEM Int. Total Active Inactive
5 5 0
show running configuration—The show running configuration command shows detail on each CEM