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Warranty and Regulatory Information

Wireless-G IP Phone

Letuvška  (Lthuanan)  -  Aplnkosaugos  nformacja, 
skrta Europos Sąjungos vartotojams

Europos  direktyva  2002/96/EC  numato,  kad  įrangos,  kuri  ir   
kurios  pakuotė  yra  pažymėta  šiuo  simboliu  (įveskite  simbolį), 
negalima  šalinti  kartu  su  nerūšiuotomis  komunalinėmis 
atliekomis .  Šis  simbolis  rodo,  kad  gaminį  reikia  šalinti  atskirai 
nuo bendro buitinių atliekų srauto . Jūs privalote užtikrinti, kad 
ši  ir  kita  elektros  ar  elektroninė  įranga  būtų  šalinama  per  tam 
tikras nacionalinės ar vietinės valdžios nustatytas atliekų rinkimo 
sistemas . Tinkamai  šalinant  ir  perdirbant  atliekas,  bus  išvengta 
galimos žalos aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai . Daugiau informacijos 
apie  jūsų  senos  įrangos  šalinimą  gali  pateikti  vietinės  valdžios 
institucijos, atliekų šalinimo tarnybos arba parduotuvės, kuriose 
įsigijote tą gaminį .

Malt (Maltese) - Informazzjon Ambjental għal Kljent 
fl-Unjon Ewropea 

Id-Direttiva Ewropea 2002/96/KE titlob li t-tagħmir li jkun fih is-
simbolu   fuq il-prodott u/jew fuq l-ippakkjar ma jistax jintrema 
ma’  skart  muniċipali  li  ma  ġiex  isseparat .  Is-simbolu  jindika 
li  dan  il-prodott  għandu  jintrema  separatament  minn  ma’  l-
iskart  domestiku  regolari .  Hija  responsabbiltà  tiegħek  li  tarmi 
dan  it-tagħmir  u  kull  tagħmir  ieħor  ta’  l-elettriku  u  elettroniku 
permezz ta’ faċilitajiet ta’ ġbir appuntati apposta mill-gvern jew 
mill-awtoritajiet  lokali .  Ir-rimi  b’mod  korrett  u  r-riċiklaġġ  jgħin 
jipprevjeni  konsegwenzi  negattivi  potenzjali  għall-ambjent  u 
għas-saħħa  tal-bniedem .  Għal  aktar  informazzjoni  dettaljata 
dwar ir-rimi tat-tagħmir antik tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja 
lill-awtoritajiet lokali tiegħek, is-servizzi għar-rimi ta’ l-iskart, jew 
il-ħanut minn fejn xtrajt il-prodott .

Magyar (Hungaran) - Környezetvédelm nformácó az 
európa unós vásárlók számára

A  2002/96/EC  számú  európai  uniós  irányelv  megkívánja,  hogy 
azokat a termékeket, amelyeken, és/vagy amelyek csomagolásán 
az alábbi címke   megjelenik, tilos a többi szelektálatlan lakossági 
hulladékkal  együtt  kidobni .  A  címke  azt  jelöli,  hogy  az  adott 
termék kidobásakor a szokványos háztartási hulladékelszállítási 
rendszerektõl  elkülönített  eljárást  kell  alkalmazni .  Az  Ön 
felelõssége,  hogy  ezt,  és  más  elektromos  és  elektronikus 
berendezéseit  a  kormányzati  vagy  a  helyi  hatóságok  által 
kijelölt  gyűjtõredszereken  keresztül  számolja  fel .  A  megfelelõ 
hulladékfeldolgozás segít a környezetre és az emberi egészségre 
potenciálisan  ártalmas  negatív  hatások  megelõzésében .  Ha 
elavult  berendezéseinek  felszámolásához  további  részletes 
információra  van  szüksége,  kérjük,  lépjen  kapcsolatba  a  helyi 
hatóságokkal,  a  hulladékfeldolgozási  szolgálattal,  vagy  azzal 
üzlettel, ahol a terméket vásárolta .

Nederlands  (Dutch)  -  Mleu-nformate  voor  klanten 
n de Europese Une

De Europese Richtlijn 2002/96/EC schrijft voor dat apparatuur die 
is voorzien van dit symbool   op het product of de verpakking, 
niet mag worden ingezameld met niet-gescheiden huishoudelijk 
afval . Dit symbool geeft aan dat het product apart moet worden 
ingezameld .  U  bent  zelf  verantwoordelijk  voor  de  vernietiging 
van deze en andere elektrische en elektronische apparatuur via de 
daarvoor door de landelijke of plaatselijke overheid aangewezen 
inzamelingskanalen .  De  juiste  vernietiging  en  recycling  van 
deze apparatuur voorkomt mogelijke negatieve gevolgen voor 
het  milieu  en  de  gezondheid .  Voor  meer  informatie  over  het 
vernietigen van uw oude apparatuur neemt u contact op met 
de plaatselijke autoriteiten of afvalverwerkingsdienst, of met de 
winkel waar u het product hebt aangeschaft .

Norsk (Norwegan) - Mljønformasjon for kunder  EU

EU-direktiv  2002/96/EF  krever  at  utstyr  med  følgende  symbol 

  avbildet  på  produktet  og/eller  pakningen,  ikke  må  kastes 

sammen  med  usortert  avfall .  Symbolet  indikerer  at  dette 
produktet  skal  håndteres  atskilt  fra  ordinær  avfallsinnsamling 
for  husholdningsavfall .  Det  er  ditt  ansvar  å  kvitte  deg  med 
dette produktet og annet elektrisk og elektronisk avfall via egne 
innsamlingsordninger  slik  myndighetene  eller  kommunene 
bestemmer .  Korrekt  avfallshåndtering  og  gjenvinning  vil 
være  med  på  å  forhindre  mulige  negative  konsekvenser  for 
miljø  og  helse .  For  nærmere  informasjon  om  håndtering  av 
det  kasserte  utstyret  ditt,  kan  du  ta  kontakt  med  kommunen, 
en  innsamlingsstasjon  for  avfall  eller  butikken  der  du  kjøpte 
produktet .

Polsk  (Polsh)  -  Informacja  dla  klentów  w  Un 
Europejskej  o  przepsach  dotyczących  ochrony 

Dyrektywa  Europejska  2002/96/EC  wymaga,  aby  sprzęt 
oznaczony symbolem   znajdującym się na produkcie i/lub jego 
opakowaniu nie był wyrzucany razem z innymi niesortowanymi 
odpadami  komunalnymi .  Symbol  ten  wskazuje,  że  produkt 
nie  powinien  być  usuwany  razem  ze  zwykłymi  odpadami  z 
gospodarstw  domowych .  Na  Państwu  spoczywa  obowiązek 
wyrzucania  tego  i  innych  urządzeń  elektrycznych  oraz 
elektronicznych w punktach odbioru wyznaczonych przez władze 
krajowe lub lokalne . Pozbywanie się sprzętu we właściwy sposób 
i  jego  recykling  pomogą  zapobiec  potencjalnie  negatywnym 
konsekwencjom  dla  środowiska  i  zdrowia  ludzkiego .  W  celu 
uzyskania szczegółowych informacji o usuwaniu starego sprzętu, 
prosimy  zwrócić  się  do  lokalnych  władz,  służb  oczyszczania 
miasta lub sklepu, w którym produkt został nabyty .

Summary of Contents for Linksys WIP310

Page 1: ...USER GUIDE Wireless G IP Phone Model WIP310 ...

Page 2: ... SMS 13 Main Menu Web Services 14 Main Menu Call History 15 Main Menu Contacts or Contacts Menu 16 Appendix A Troubleshooting 18 Appendix B Specifications 19 Appendix C Warranty and Regulatory Information 21 Limited Warranty 21 FCC Statement 22 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement 22 Safety Notices 23 Industry Canada Statement 23 Avis d Industrie Canada 23 User Information for Consumer Products Covere...

Page 3: http in front of the address Some older web browsers may require you to add it Resource Website Linksys www linksys com Linksys International www linksys com international Glossary www linksys com glossary Network Security www linksys com security Copyright andTrademarks Specifications are subject to change without notice Linksys is a registered trademark or trademark of Cisco Systems Inc and o...

Page 4: ...ork and sign in before you can make calls The information that follows assumes that you already have an established Wi Fi network If you need more information on networks visit www linksys com NOTE The handset should be within 300 feet 90 m of the Network to connect Handset and Charger Handset in charger Charging the Handset s Battery Plugging in the Power Adapter Plug the power adapter into the c...

Page 5: ...ypad This System can use predictive text to predict what the next letters will be and it will enter those letters When predictive text is being used Aa or aa will display in the upper right corner of the screen Press the P key to toggle between initial upper Abc and lower case letters abc and predictive text Aa or aa To enter a number press and hold the number on the keypad not available for names...

Page 6: ...ncoming call Informationaboutthecallwilldisplayonthehandset s screen display While the phone is ringing you can also press Options left soft key and choose Incoming Call Options Speaker on To Voicemail Send the call to voice mail Press the down or up arrow and highlight To Voicemail and press the select button New Call Ignore the call and place a new call Press the down or up arrow and highlight N...

Page 7: ...ed Handset is unlocked Mute or unmute the handset Email address field Home address field Home phone number Mobile phone number Office phone number Edit the current entry Select the current entry View more details about the current entry Indicate that the ringer is off handset will not ring on incoming calls Shown on the center soft key Speed Dial entry the phone number shown is an emergency number...

Page 8: ...that may damage the handset and charger Do not dispose of the battery in a fire as they can explode Do not open or mutilate the battery Released electrolyte is corrosive and can cause damage to the eyes or skin It can be toxic if swallowed Avoid contact with metal objects when handling the battery These objects could short out the batteries or cause the conductor to overheat resulting in burns Do ...

Page 9: ...s left soft key Press the up or down arrow to highlight Handset info 1 2 1 Press the select button to view the following information Scroll through the menu by pressing the up or down arrow Gateway address Hardware version IP Address MAC Address Model Number Serial Number Software Version Press Back right soft key to return to standby mode Standby Mode Options Do Not Disturb This selection allows ...

Page 10: ...ate and time reset the handset to the factory default settings change your ring tones adjust the screen s dimmer password protect the handset add edit or delete a speed dial list entries and change the WiFi setup Main Menu Settings Main Menu Settings Call Preferences Use this option to name the handset using the keypad Main Menu Settings Call Preferences When the handset is in the standby mode pre...

Page 11: ... highlight Date Time and press the select button To change the time and time format There are two tabs available Time and Date Press the left arrow to highlight Time if it is not already highlighted Main Menu Settings Date Time Time To change the hour press the up or down arrow to highlight the Hour number field Enter a number from the keypad or press the left or right arrow to select the current ...

Page 12: ... or Back right soft key to exit without changes Main Menu Settings RingTones Use this option to change the ring tone for your handset Choose from 10 pre programmed rings or download ring tones up to three c d e 1 2 3 4 Main Menu Settings Ring Tone Options When the handset is in the standby mode press the select button to see the Main Menu options Press the left or right arrow to select Settings if...

Page 13: not on screen Press the select button to display the Settings menu Press the up or down arrow to highlight Speed Dial and press the select button Press the up or down arrow to highlight an available Speed Dial number slot Press the select button Main Menu Settings Speed Dial Speed Dial List EnteraName usingthekeypad Whenyouarefinished press the down arrow to enty er a phone number to associate ...

Page 14: ...all Enter the phone number that you want to forward the calls to To stop call forwarding delete the call forwarding number Cfwd No Ans Dest forward calls when there is no answer Enter the phone number that you want to forward the calls to You can also set the time in seconds that you 1 2 3 want to wait until the call is forwarded by selecting Cfwd No Answer Delay delay in seconds until the call is...

Page 15: ...characters You can also save messages that you have received Main Menu SMS When the handset is in the standby mode press the select button to see the Main Menu options Press the left or right arrow to select SMS if it is not on screen Main Menu SMS Inbox PresstheselectbuttontodisplaytheSMSManagement menu To view a message press the up or down arrow to highlight Inbox and press the select button Ma...

Page 16: ...Services are offered Main Menu Web Services Press the select button to see the Main Menu options Press the left or right arrow to select Web Services Press the select button to view the available Web Services Press the up or down arrow to highlight an available Web Services option Press the select button Main Menu Web Services Web Services Options Local Search Press the up or down arrow to highlig...

Page 17: ...row to view the Call History Options Accessing Call History through the Main Menu When the handset is in the standby mode press the select button to see the Main Menu options Press the left or right arrow to select Call History if it is not on screen Press the select button to access the handset s Call History The entire Call History will display Press the left or right arrow to scroll through the...

Page 18: ...s or Contacts When the handset is in the standby mode press the select button to see the Main Menu options Press the left or right arrow to select Contacts if it is not on screen Or you can press Contacts right soft key when you are in standby mode Press the select button to access the Contacts list All current Contacts will display If there are no names a blank screen will display Press Options l...

Page 19: arrow to select it Or you can press Contacts right soft key when you are in standby mode Press the select button to access the Contacts list All current Contacts will display Press the up or down arrow to highlight the entry you want to edit Press Options left soft key A sub screen will display press the up or down arrow to highlight Edit Press the select button The Contacts Entry screen will d...

Page 20: ...time on the handset Approximately three 3 hours Will WIP310 Work in my Friends or Family WiFi Network Yes The WIP310 will work with any WiFi Network that supports WPS WEP WPA WPA2 as long as the user has a VoIP account What type of data features does WIP310 provide You can receive stock quotes weather information or you candoalocalsearchofareasofinterest suchasrestaurants ATM s etc WEB If your que...

Page 21: ...d Out band RFC2833 Voice Quality G 167 and G 168 Echo Cancellation Automatic Gain Control AG Adaptive Jitter Buffer Packet Frame Lost Concealment Adjustable Audio Frames Per Packet CNG Comfort Noise Generation VAD Voice Activity Detection Call Control Caller ID Call Mute Call Hold Resume Call Forward Conditional Unconditional Busy or No Answer Call Transfer Attended or Blind Call Waiting Call Bloc...

Page 22: ...n 3 7V 860mAH Battery AC Adapter Certification FCC CE IC WiFi Operating Temp 32 F to 104 F 0 C to 40 C Storage Temp 4 F to 149 F 20 C to 65 C Operating Humidity 10 to 80 Non Condensing Storage Humidity 10 to 95 Non Condensing Batteries are rechargeable and have a limited number of charge cycles The batteries may eventually need to be replaced Battery life will vary from the stated average by usage...

Page 23: ...e product or software will be uninterrupted or error free Also due to the continual development of new techniques for intruding upon and attacking networks Linksys does not warrant that the product software or any equipment system or network on which the product or software is used will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or attack The product may include or be bundled with third party software ...

Page 24: ...device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions 1 Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference and 2 this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation This product has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits...

Page 25: ...users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance To maintain compliance with IC RF exposure compliance requirements please follow instructions as documented in this manual Avis d Industrie Canada Ce dispositif est conforme à la norme CNR 210 d Industrie Canada L utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes Il ne doit pas p...

Page 26: ...směrnice 2002 96 ES zakazuje aby zařízení označené tímto symbolem na produktu anebo na obalu bylo likvidováno s netříděným komunálním odpadem Tento symbol udává že daný produkt musí být likvidován odděleně od běžného komunálního odpadu Odpovídáte za likvidaci tohoto produktu a dalších elektrických a elektronických zařízení prostřednictvím určených sběrných míst stanovených vládou nebo místními úřa...

Page 27: ...οποίο αγοράσατε το προϊόν Français French Informations environnementales pour les clients de l Union européenne La directive européenne 2002 96 CE exige que l équipement sur lequel est apposé ce symbole sur le produit et ou son emballage ne soit pas jeté avec les autres ordures ménagères Ce symbole indique que le produit doit être éliminé dans un circuit distinct de celui pour les déchets des ména...

Page 28: ...berendezéseinek felszámolásához további részletes információra van szüksége kérjük lépjen kapcsolatba a helyi hatóságokkal a hulladékfeldolgozási szolgálattal vagy azzal üzlettel ahol a terméket vásárolta Nederlands Dutch Milieu informatie voor klanten in de Europese Unie DeEuropeseRichtlijn2002 96 ECschrijftvoordatapparatuurdie is voorzien van dit symbool op het product of de verpakking nietmagwo...

Page 29: ...môže zabrániť prípadným negatívnym dopadom na životné prostredie a zdravie ľudí Ak máte záujem o podrobnejšie informácie o likvidácii starého zariadenia obráťte sa prosím na miestne orgány organizácie zaoberajúce sa likvidáciou odpadov alebo obchod v ktorom ste si produkt zakúpili Slovenčina Slovene Okoljske informacije za stranke v Evropski uniji Evropska direktiva 2002 96 EC prepoveduje odlaganj...

Page 30: ...ībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem Lietuvių Lithu anian Šis įrenginys tenkina 1999 5 EB Direktyvos esminius reikalavimus ir kitas šios direktyvos nuostatas Nederlands Dutch Dit apparaat voldoet aan de essentiele eisen en andere van toepassing zijnde bepalingen van de Richtlijn 1999 5 EC Malti Maltese Dan l apparat huwa konformi mal ħtiġiet essenzjali u l provedimenti l oħra rilevanti ta...

Page 31: ...echnical documentation see the Technical Documents on www linksys com international section as shown on page 6 of this document The following standards were applied during the assessment of the product against the requirements of the Directive 1999 5 EC Radio EN 300 328 EMC EN 301 489 1 EN 301 489 17 Safety EN 60950 and either EN 50385 or EN 50371 CE Marking For the Linksys Wireless B and Wireless...

Page 32: ... 1999 5 CE folgen mit Außnahme der folgenden aufgeführten Staaten In the majority of the EU and other European countries the 2 4 and 5 GHz bands have been made available for the use of wireless local area networks LANs Table 1 provides an overview of the regulatory requirements applicable for the 2 4 and 5 GHz bands Later in this document you will find an overview of countries in which additional ...

Page 33: ...ional Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy Unless this 2 4 GHz wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner s property its use requires a general authorization Please check http www comunicazioni it it for more details Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano ...

Page 34: ...t be available on all wireless products For more information refer to the documentation on your product s CD or at www linksys com international Wireless Adapters For wireless adapters operating in the 2 4 GHz band the typical radiated output power is 18 dBm EIRP while the maximum radiated output power will not exceed 20 dBm 100 mW EIRP For wireless adapters operating in the 5 GHz band the typical...

Page 35: ...ww linksys com international in your web browser Select the country or region in which you live Click the Products tab Select the appropriate product category Select the product sub category if necessary Select the product Select the type of documentation you want from the More Information section The document will open in PDF format if you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer NOTE If you...
