4011411 Rev B
This chapter describes the default settings for DVR services and
describes the different ways you can customize these settings. This
chapter also provides instructions for configuring your system to
support each customized setting.
Chapter 2
Customizing DVR Services
In This Chapter
Ways to Customize DVR Service ........................................................ 12
Record from Quick Settings Menu: Allow Subscribers to
Record a Program from the Quick Settings Menu ........................... 16
Recording Control: Prevent Subscribers from Recording a
Service..................................................................................................... 17
DVR Channel Display: Display the Recorded List when
Tuning to the DVR Channel ................................................................ 19
First Runs Recording Option: Allow Subscribers the Option to
Record First Runs of a Program, Not Reruns ................................... 21
Power Save: Disable the Power Save Feature ................................... 26
Stand-Alone Authorization: Authorize DVRs for Stand-Alone
Mode ....................................................................................................... 28
Enable Block Title: Prevent Titles of Recordings Blocked by
the Parental Control Feature From Showing .................................... 34