When installing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last. Statement
This unit is to be installed in a restrictive access location and must be permanently grounded to minimum 6
AWG copper ground wire.
Perform the following procedure to ground the Cisco ASR 907 Router using a 2-hole lug and the corresponding
mounting point. Most carriers require a minimum 6 AWG ground connection. Verify your carrier’s requirements
for the ground connection.
Step 1
If your ground wire is insulated, use a wire-stripping tool to strip the ground wire to 0.5 inch ± 0.02 inch (12.7
mm ±0.5 mm) As shown in the figure below.
Figure 14: Stripping a Ground Wire
Step 2
Slide the open end of your 2-hole ground lug over the exposed area of the ground wire.
Step 3
Using a crimping tool (as specified by the ground lug manufacturer), crimp the ground lug to the ground wire
as shown in figure below.
Figure 15: Crimping a Ground Lug onto the Ground Wire
Step 4
Use a Phillips head screwdriver to attach the 2-hole ground lug and wire assembly to the router with the 2
pan-head Phillips head screws. For a 19-inch EIA rack, attach the 2-hole ground lug to the rear of the router.
Installing the Cisco ASR 907 Router
Installing the Cisco ASR 907 Router
Installing the Chassis Ground Connection