Cisco 12000 Series Router SIP and SPA Hardware Installation Guide
Release 12.0(32)SY1, OL-8831-01, Rev. G6, July 19, 2007
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting the Installation
Advanced SIP Troubleshooting
show logging Output
show logging onboard Output
show diag slot Output
show context slot Output
show context summary Output
show context summary
Slot 0 : 0 crashes
Slot 1 : 1 crashes
1 . crash at 10:36:20 UTC Wed Dec 19 2001
Slot 2 : 0 crashes
Slot 3 : 0 crashes
Slot 4 : 0 crashes
Slot 5 : 0 crashes
Slot 6 : 0 crashes
(remainder of output omitted)
show logging Output
show logging
Syslog logging: enabled (2 messages dropped, 0 messages rate.limited, 0 flushes,
0 overruns)
Console logging: level debugging, 24112 messages logged
Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged
Buffer logging: level debugging, 24411 messages logged
Logging Exception size (4096 bytes)
Trap logging: level informational, 24452 message lines logged
5d16h: %LCINFO.3.CRASH: Line card in slot 1 crashed
5d16h: %GRP.4.RSTSLOT: Resetting the card in the slot: 1,Event: 38
5d16h: %IPCGRP.3.CMDOP: IPC command 3
5d16h: %CLNS.5.ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to malachim2 (GigabitEthernet1/0) Up,
n8 (slot1/0): linecard is disabled
.Traceback= 602ABCA8 602AD8B8 602B350C 602B3998 6034312C 60342290 601A2BC4 601A2BB0
5d16h: %LINK.5.CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0, changed state to
administratively down
5d16h: %LINEPROTO.5.UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0,
changed state to down
5d16h: %GRP.3.CARVE_INFO: Setting mtu above 8192 may reduce available buffers
on Slot: 1.
SLOT 1:00:00:09: %SYS.5.RESTART: System restarted ..
(remainder of output omitted)
show logging onboard Output
show logging onboard
command can be used on a specific slot or on the router as a whole.
show logging onboard slot 3
[using 329 of 32768 bytes]
Boot location #0: slot 3 in 'Test_2'
Location #0 runtime: 13 weeks 13h 00m (inexact)
Temperature after last boot in location #0: inlet 27 C, hotpoint 37 C
Boot location #1: slot 2 in 'RouterA'
Location #1 runtime: 5 weeks 07h 52m (inexact)
Temperature after last boot in location #1: inlet 27 C, hotpoint 37 C
<=== Crash at Aug 08 2004 11:10:37 ===>
<===End Crash ===>