Radio Settings
This dialog identifies the radio and current operating mode. It also allows the user to configure radio
parameters for the Network, SPID, Master Bandwidth, Max Slaves, HopSet, Power, Sync and Retries.
Details on these settings are provided in the section on Radio Commands.
Bridge Settings
This dialog allows the user to set the Mode, (Master or Slave), any Filtering (see the section on Filtering
below) and whether or not a Login is required. Selecting “No” grays out the Username/Access-code,
Password and (Password) Verify fields. Selecting “Yes” allows entries to be entered into the fields.
Details on these settings are provided in the section on Bridge Commands.
Bridge (Connection) Status
This dialog displays statistics related to the connected radios including UserName (if no username is
assigned, N/A will display), IP Address, Radio ID and Packet/Error Information.
Access Control Settings
This dialog allows the setting of login preference, “admin” (default), “enable” or “guest”. Setting “admin”
allows the user rights to change parameters; setting “guest” limits the access to RF Tools only. After
changing the Console setting, click Apply to invoke the changes. Click on Cancel to discard any changes.
2000- 2004 Cirronet
M-2411-0013 Rev A