CI-202 Instruction Manual rev. 6/21/2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone (360) 833-8835 Fax (360) 833-1914
menu. If the wall charger is used, an internal circuit will control charging. No
inputs are required from the user and faster charging occurs if the unit is turned
off. If the unit is connected to a computer USB port, the unit should be turned on
to make use of the full charging current available. The fastest charging occurs
when connected to the USB port while the unit is turned on. The instrument will
automatically turn off the high-power charging when the battery is fully charged.
The user may also manually control charging by switching it on/off in
menu, but trickle charge will continue even if the user switches
charging off. Be aware the instrument should be connected to a normal high-
USB port
which is able to provide up to 0.5A. Some hubs that have other
peripherals plugged in may not be able to provide the normal 0.5A.
7. How often should the battery be recharged?
a. When the battery is charged 100%, the unit should last up to 200-250
measurements. To save power, the instrument will be turned off automatically
after 5 minutes of inactivity.
8. How do you measure root length?
a. Stay in Leaf mode, turn off the filter from
menu and make a
regular measurement. Use the perimeter value divided by 2 as the Root length
value, this estimation is good if the width of the roots is negligible; if not, the user
should use area in final computation
9. What are the filters for?
a. The filter will discard any objects that are less than the specified filter size. A filter
value of
corresponds to an object approximately
across. If the scan
area has defects that generate a lot of small objects or the user is sure that the
object to be measured is large enough, then the filter should be switched on; this
will filter out any noise which may come during a scan. In root mode, the filter will
clear the corresponding number of transitions in the digital signal; this is useful
during the threshold computation. Otherwise, if the object is small (like a pine
needle) then the filter value should be reduced, or it could be completely
switched off from
menu. Always press the
when scan parameters are changed.
10. Should the user ever calibrate the instrument?
It’s not difficult for anyone to calibrate the scan parameters as long as the
guidelines are followed. Here are the basic steps:
Select Threshold
Switch to Root Mode