CI-202 Instruction Manual rev. 6/21/2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone (360) 833-8835 Fax (360) 833-1914
Calibrating the CI-202
Occasionally the CI-202 needs to have the timing parameters re-computed or the threshold
adjusted to bring the instrument back to measuring accurately. Each time a parameter is
adjusted on the CI-202, the instrument should have its timing parameters re-computed the next
time it is powered on. The CI-202 can require adjustment after extensive use in the field or
downloading/updating firmware. The recalibration is very quick and simple. After recalibrating,
the high and low thresholds should be checked and readjusted if necessary.
Power the instrument on.
The image below should be displayed on the instrument’s
Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys at the SAME time.
The motor will begin to start-up and spin. This step is quick, and the motor typically spins
for about four seconds.
Next, the motor will stop spinning. During this time, the display on the screen does not
Scan a leaf or piece of paper of known size to test the accuracy of the instrument.
The high and low thresholds should be checked and adjusted if necessary.
CI-202 Threshold Set-up Procedure
The instructions below begin with checking the
of the unit. This is done in Root Mode
(steps 1-14). Next, the thresholds are checked and adjusted for
Root Mode
(steps 15-27).
Beginning at Step 28, the unit is switched to Leaf Mode. The procedure can be started at Step
28, but it is recommended to perform all the steps all the way through. The
Leaf Mode
(steps 28-43) explains how to check and set the thresholds for leaf measurements. If the
scanner is not providing an accurate width reading, steps 44-47 provide the instructions for
accessing and adjusting the
Scan Width
of the unit. If the length measurements are not correct,
steps 48-52 focus on adjusting the
Step Length
, which is very important for instrument
1) Turn unit on by pressing the POWER button.
Use the UP or DOWN arrow to scroll until you see “Set-up Auto save”
Use the RIGHT arrow to scroll to “Set-up Measure.” Press ENTER.
Measure file01