Adjusting the water column height in the individual stand
tubes. To adjust the water column height turn the red
adjustment knob counter-clockwise to increase and clock-wise
to decrease
until the water column gauge reads
the desired water column height.
Note: Individual PDS Volumatic regulators provide a
minimum water column height in
case air pressure is lost. The
regulators CAN NOT be adjusted
below this height regardless of the
water column gauge reading.
Refer to the Rain Bird Timer manual for specific programing details.
The Rain Bird Timer has the capacity to
have three individual programs: "A", "B",
and "C".
Single stations or all stations may be
manually flushed at any time. Refer to
Operating the Sprinkler Timer
section in
the Rain Bird manual.
When birds go out it is a good idea to turn
the Rain Bird Timer to the off position and
turn the adjustment knob on the PDS control
to the minimum setting.
Each program can have up to four daily start
times. As long as there are start times
entered for stations in a particular program
that program will run. To maintain multiple
programs in the control without all of them
running, all the start times in the undesired
programs must be set to off. The unused
programs (except the start times) are retained but will not run until the start times are re-entered. This allows you
to program one, two or three separate flushing sequences. For example, one for summer and one for winter or one
for brooding and one for finishing.
Each station can be set to run from a minimum of 0 minutes to a maximum of 4 hours in 1 minute intervals. The
actual amount of time it takes to completely change the water in a 3/4" drinker line is dependent on the flow rate
through the line. This flow rate can easily be estimated by putting the regulator into flush and timing how long it
takes to fill a container of known volume at the drain end of the line. Once this time is determined use the formula
below to calculate the flow rate in gallons or liters per minute and then refer to the charts
the estimated flush time in minutes for your specific line length.
For example, if it takes 185 seconds to fill a 5 gallon container the resulting flow rate would be 1.6 GMP.
Flushing The System
Volume of Container (Gallons or Liters)
Flow Rate in Gallons or Liters per Minute
Seconds to Fill Container Divided by 60
5 Gallons
1.6 Gallons per Minute.
Figure 10. Adjusting the water column
Figure 11. Operating the control